Social Media

The Rise of Twitter Journalism: Insights from Joanna Geary’s Work for OneZero

Twitter Journalism has become a crucial platform for journalism, enabling journalists to share news, engage with their audience, and stay ahead of breaking news. However, as Twitter has become more central to the practice of journalism, it has also presented new challenges and ethical considerations. In this article, we explore the insights of Joanna Geary’s work for OneZero and the challenges and opportunities of Twitter journalism.

Twitter Journalism refers to the use of Twitter as a platform for reporting news, sharing information, and engaging in journalistic practices. It has become increasingly popular among journalists, news organizations, and citizens interested in consuming and sharing news. Here’s a short guide on Twitter Journalism:

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Create a Twitter account

If you don’t already have one, sign up for a Twitter account. Choose a username that reflects your journalistic identity or the organization you represent. Ensure that your bio includes relevant information about your background and expertise in journalism.

Follow reputable sources

Follow established news organizations, journalists, and experts in your field of interest. This will help you stay updated with breaking news, trending topics, and insightful analysis. Engage with their tweets by liking, retweeting, and replying to build connections within the journalism community.

Verify information before sharing

As a journalist, it is crucial to prioritize accuracy and credibility. Verify information before sharing it with your followers. Rely on trusted sources, fact-checking organizations, and official statements. Be cautious of misinformation and rumors, and avoid amplifying unverified claims.

Curate and share news content

Twitter allows you to curate and share news content with your followers. Share breaking news, interesting articles, thought-provoking analysis, and multimedia content such as photos and videos. Add your own commentary, insights, or context to the content you share to provide value to your audience.

Engage with your followers

Twitter Journalism is not just about broadcasting news; it also involves building relationships and engaging with your followers. Respond to comments and questions, participate in discussions, and consider conducting polls or surveys to gather opinions. Actively listen to your audience and address their concerns.

Utilize Twitter features

Twitter offers several features that can enhance your Twitter Journalism efforts. Use hashtags relevant to the news topic or event you are covering to increase visibility. Create Twitter lists to organize and monitor specific sources or topics. Explore live video streaming through Twitter’s Periscope integration to provide real-time coverage.

Monitor trends and conversations

Twitter is known for its real-time nature, making it a valuable tool for monitoring trends and conversations. Stay on top of trending topics and hashtags related to your beat or area of interest. Engage in relevant conversations, provide updates, and share your expertise.

Maintain ethical standards

Uphold the principles of ethical journalism while using Twitter as a platform. Respect privacy, avoid conflicts of interest, and ensure fairness and accuracy in your reporting. Adhere to your organization’s guidelines, if applicable, and be transparent about any affiliations or potential biases.

Collaborate and network

Twitter Journalism offers opportunities for collaboration and networking. Engage with other journalists, participate in Twitter chats or discussions, and consider forming partnerships with colleagues or news organizations. Collaboration can lead to shared resources, cross-promotion, and increased reach for your work.

Stay updated on Twitter best practices

Twitter continually introduces new features and updates its platform. Stay informed about Twitter best practices, algorithm changes, and policy updates. Attend webinars, workshops, or conferences focused on social media and digital journalism to enhance your skills and stay ahead of the curve.

Remember that Twitter Journalism is just one aspect of a comprehensive journalistic practice. It should be used alongside traditional reporting methods, interviews, fact-checking, and ethical considerations to provide accurate and reliable news to your audience.

The Emergence of Twitter Journalism

Twitter has become a critical tool for journalists in recent years, enabling them to break news, share stories, and connect with their audience. Twitter has made journalism more accessible, providing a platform for anyone to share their ideas, stories, and opinions. However, Twitter has also raised new challenges for journalists, requiring them to navigate a rapidly changing media landscape and engage with their audience in new ways.

The Role of Twitter in Journalism

Twitter has become a crucial tool for journalists, enabling them to share news in real time and engage with their audience. Twitter has also become a platform for breaking news, with journalists often using the platform to break stories before they appear in traditional media outlets. However, the use of Twitter as a source of news has raised concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the information being shared.

Joanna Geary and OneZero

Joanna Geary is a journalist and digital strategist who has worked for a range of media outlets, including The Guardian and Twitter. Geary is currently the Director of Curation at Twitter and a Senior Editor at OneZero, a publication focused on the intersection of technology and society. Geary’s work for OneZero has provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of Twitter journalism.

One of the key insights from Geary’s work is the importance of speed in Twitter journalism. Twitter is a fast-paced platform, and journalists must be able to work quickly and accurately to stay ahead of breaking news. However, speed must be balanced with accuracy, as the reliability of the information being shared is essential in maintaining the trust of the audience.

Geary has also emphasized the importance of engagement in Twitter journalism. Twitter has provided a new level of transparency and accountability in journalism, enabling journalists to engage with their audience and receive immediate feedback on their work. However, the platform also has its challenges, including the potential for hostility and negativity from some members of the audience.

Another insight from Geary’s work is the importance of ethics in Twitter journalism. Journalists must be transparent about their sources and provide context and background information to their audience. They must also be careful about how they use Twitter, ensuring that they are not promoting their personal views or agendas that could compromise their journalistic integrity.

Stay tuned for the next part of this article, where we will explore the ethical considerations of Twitter journalism and more insights from Joanna Geary’s work for OneZero.

Twitter and Ethics

Twitter has presented new ethical considerations for journalists. In the age of Twitter journalism, journalists must be careful about how they use the platform and how they interact with their audience.

One ethical consideration is the use of social media as a source of information. Journalists must be careful to verify the information they receive on Twitter, ensuring that it is accurate and reliable. They must also be transparent about their sources, providing context and background information to their audience.

Another ethical consideration is the use of Twitter to promote stories or agendas. Journalists must ensure that they are not using Twitter to promote their personal views or to push a specific agenda, compromising their journalistic integrity.

The Insights of Joanna Geary’s OneZero

In her work for OneZero, Joanna Geary has provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of Twitter journalism. Geary has highlighted the importance of speed and accuracy in Twitter journalism, emphasizing the My apologies for the confusion earlier. Here’s the continuation of the article:

How Twitter is changing journalism The rise of Twitter has revolutionized journalism in many ways. It has given journalists a platform to share their work, engage with their audiences, and break news in real-time. But it has also created new challenges and ethical considerations. Joanna Geary’s work at Twitter has been instrumental in shaping how journalists use the platform, and in creating policies to protect against misinformation and abuse.

The importance of responsible social media use As more people turn to social media for news and information, the responsibility of journalists to report accurately and responsibly becomes even more critical. Twitter’s role in spreading misinformation and propaganda has been well-documented, and it is essential that journalists use the platform with care and consideration.

The future of social media in journalism As social media continues to evolve, its role in journalism will undoubtedly change. New platforms will emerge, and new challenges will arise. But the principles of responsible journalism will remain the same. By using social media platforms like Twitter to engage with their audiences, report accurately, and hold power to account, journalists like Joanna Geary are helping to shape the future of journalism for the better.


Twitter has become an essential tool for journalists like Joanna Geary, allowing them to engage with their audiences, break news in real-time, and hold power to account. Through her work at Twitter and beyond, Geary has been a leading voice in shaping how journalists use the platform responsibly and ethically. As social media continues to evolve, it is essential that journalists continue to uphold the principles of responsible journalism and use these platforms to inform, engage, and empower their audiences.


  1. Who is Joanna Geary?
    Joanna Geary is a journalist and the Director of Curation at Twitter. She has worked for a number of news organizations, including The Guardian, The Times, and The Birmingham Post.
  2. What is OneZero?
    OneZero is a publication that covers the intersection of technology, politics, and culture.
  3. How has Twitter changed journalism?
    Twitter has given journalists a platform to share their work, engage with their audiences, and break news in real-time. But it has also created new challenges and ethical considerations, such as protecting against misinformation and abuse.
  4. What is the future of social media in journalism?
    As social media continues to evolve, its role in journalism will undoubtedly change. New platforms will emerge, and new challenges will arise. But the principles of responsible journalism will remain the same.
  5. How can journalists use social media responsibly?
    Journalists can use social media responsibly by reporting accurately and ethically, engaging with their audiences, and using these platforms to hold power to account. By doing so, they can help to shape the future of journalism for the better.

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