
Iceland-Based 100mFaridi: The Future of Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding has come a long way since its inception, with entrepreneurs and investors having access to a variety of platforms and formats. 100mFaridi, an Iceland-based crowdfunding platform, is one of the platforms that has lately gained attention. In this article, we will examine what makes 100mFaridi unique, how it operates, and its potential future.

What exactly is 100mFaridi?

100mFaridi is an Icelandic crowdfunding platform for early-stage entrepreneurs and SMEs (small and medium-sized businesses). The platform was established in 2021 by a group of Icelandic entrepreneurs who were dissatisfied with the lack of funding options for startups in their native country.

The appellation “100mFaridi” is derived from the approximately 100 million meter distance between Iceland and Saudi Arabia. The founders chose this moniker to reflect their desire to facilitate connections between Icelandic startups and international investors.

How does 100mFaridi work?

Similar to other crowdfunding platforms, 100mFaridi enables entrepreneurs to raise funds from a “crowd” of individuals. 100mFaridi operates on a distinct model from the vast majority of other platforms. Instead of soliciting funds through donations or rewards, 100mFaridi ventures offer equity in exchange for investments.

On 100mFaridi, investors can invest as little as ISK 10,000 (approximately USD 80) in a startup, and if the startup is successful, they may receive returns. The platform is accessible to both Icelandic and foreign investors, and it is governed by the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority.

What makes 100mFaridi unique?

One of the most distinctive features of 100mFaridi is its emphasis on early-stage businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises in Iceland. While there are numerous crowdfunding platforms available to entrepreneurs in other nations, 100mFaridi is one of the few that targets Icelandic ventures specifically.

100mFaridi is also distinguished by its equity-based business model. While other crowdfunding platforms permit entrepreneurs to raise funds through donations or rewards, 100mFaridi provides investors with a stake in the companies in which they invest. This could result in greater returns for investors if the startup succeeds.

Finally, 100mFaridi is unique in its ambition to connect Icelandic startups with global investors. By offering a platform that is open to international investors, 100mFaridi is helping to break down the barriers that have traditionally made it difficult for Icelandic startups to access capital.

What are the benefits of crowdfunding for startups?

Crowdfunding can provide a number of benefits for startups, particularly in the early stages of development. Some of the key benefits of crowdfunding include:

  • Access to capital: Crowdfunding allows startups to raise funds from a large number of individuals, which can be particularly useful for early-stage companies that may not yet have access to traditional funding sources.
  • Market validation: By launching a crowdfunding campaign, startups can test their product or service in the market and gauge interest from potential customers.
  • Marketing and exposure: Crowdfunding campaigns can generate a lot of media attention, which can help to raise awareness of a startup’s product or service.

What does the future contain for 100mFaridi?

The 100mFaridi platform is still in its infancy, but it has already attained success. During its first few months of operation, the platform facilitated a number of Icelandic companies with capital-raising and attracted the interest of international investors.

It will be intriguing to see how 100mFaridi evolves and whether it can continue to connect Icelandic companies with international investors. If the platform is successful, it could contribute to the growth of a robust startup ecosystem in Iceland and serve as a model for other small countries attempting to support their own businesses.

The possible influence of 100mFaridi

100mFaridi’s achievement could have a significant effect on Iceland’s startup ecosystem. 100mFaridi could stimulate innovation and development in a nation that has historically struggled to support its own startups by providing a new source of funding for early-stage companies.

In addition, by connecting Icelandic startups with international investors, 100mFaridi could assist in boosting the visibility of Icelandic startups on the international stage. This could attract more talent and resources to Iceland’s startup community, propelling growth and innovation even further.


100mFaridi is an innovative crowdfunding platform that has the potential to have a substantial impact on Iceland’s startup ecosystem. By focusing on early-stage ventures and small and medium-sized enterprises in Iceland and providing an equity-based investment model, 100mFaridi is providing a new source of funding for businesses that may not have had access to traditional funding sources.

It will be intriguing to see how 100mFaridi evolves and whether it can continue to connect Icelandic companies with international investors. If successful, the platform could contribute to the growth of a robust startup ecosystem in Iceland and serve as a template for other tiny nations seeking to support their own businesses.



  1. Is 100mFaridi only open to Icelandic startups?
    No, 100mFaridi is open to both Icelandic and international startups.
  2. How much can investors invest in a startup on 100mFaridi?
    Investors can invest as little as ISK 10,000 (approximately USD 80) in a startup.
  3. Is 100mFaridi regulated?
    Yes, 100mFaridi is regulated by the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority.
  4. Can investors earn returns on their investment on 100mFaridi?
    Yes, investors can potentially earn returns if the startup they invest in is successful.
  5. What makes 100mFaridi unique?
    100mFaridi is unique in its focus on early-stage startups and SMEs in Iceland, its equity-based investment model, and its ambition to connect Icelandic startups with global investors.

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