
Eliminating ID Fraud with Online Document Verification Process

As the world has been taken over by digitization, the number of threats by fraudsters and identity thieves has also increased rapidly. Every organisation is the target of these fraudsters. As per the rising issues of digital scams and theft, many companies are facing difficulties and are suffering from digital fraud consequences. Thus, an online document verification process must be utilised by the companies in order to protect themselves from attacks and breaches.

Document Checking Process – A Brief Overview

As mentioned above, fraudsters are always looking for a way to steal the resources or data of companies using new and modern techniques of digital data hijacking. Online document verification helps organisations to use digital and advanced methods in order to validate documents online. This service protects companies from suspicious and criminal activities and helps to prevent data breaches.

The online verification systems mostly accept the authentication of government-issued certificates only. For example:

Identity (ID) Card

The identity (ID) card is the main and basic proof of a customer’s identity. Nowadays, biometric chips are integrated into ID cards that contain the complete information of an individual. The evaluation process of the required data verifies documents like customers’ full names, addresses, dates of birth, etc.

Driving Licence

The driving licence can also be used for digital document attestation as it carries complete information of a user from complete name to residential address which gets evaluated from online systems.


Many businesses evaluate customers’ passports when verifying their identities as they also contain all the required information of identity. Artificial intelligence and machine learning help in the procedure of online document verification in order to authenticate the customers’ data from passports and other documents.

How is Online Document Authentication Performed?

Nowadays, online documentation can be useful in different fields including real estate and the educational sectors. it has an essential role in the ID verification cycle. Online document verification has become a useful tool, especially after the pandemic of coronavirus.

Artificial Intelligence-Powered Evaluation

The paper evaluation in which customers upload documents for verification is the initial process of document verification. On the contrary, modern-day systems perform evaluation checks digitally using artificial intelligence. Due to these digital copies, different manipulations can also be done by fraudsters using online tools.

The online document verification process uses artificial intelligence to verify papers with pre-added document templates. It ensures the uploading of the right licence to remove the possibility of fake documentation.

Use of Optical Character Recognition

OCR technology helps after evaluating the documents in the right format. Moreover, it performs in-depth data extraction to verify customers’ authenticity. In the process of digital document checking, optical character recognition further processes the customers’ onboarding data, gathered or collected before

The Role of Online Document Authentication in Compliance Regulations

Businesses must follow compliance regulations in order to operate in the industry. In modern times, remote onboarding and digital identity verification proofs are becoming more consistent among industries. Additionally, there are many laws to prevent financial terrorism and money laundering via digital methods.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

AML is a global compliance for companies in order to prevent illegal money transfers and terrorist financing. It evaluates the means of customers’ financial activity in conjunction with the KYC checks. The anti-money laundering check marks the completion of several IDV processes such as online document checks.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

Every business uses the KYC process to verify the authenticity of its customers. The customer’s identity is evaluated using digital verification systems and biometric recognition. Know your customer finds out the customer’s real identity by verifying every essential aspect of previous records and activities.

Advantages of Online Document Attestation

The incorporation of document check is a must for firms to secure their goods. The utilisation of AI can verify identities which enhances the company’s security and discourages fraudsters who are trying to breach their systems.

Let’s discuss some of the advantages.

  • Paper-less Procedure
  • Remote Access
  • Better Onboarding
  • Seamless User Experience
  • AML, KYB, and KYC Enhancement
  • Instant Authentication


Most organisations use online processes nowadays in order to evaluate the IDs of their customers. It is essential to do the remote evaluation of a customer’s credentials as it is quick and much more reliable than the traditional methods.

Automated software like online document checkers evaluates the identities of customers without any human error. The online document verification process helps companies verify the paperwork which will also help to prevent document fraud.

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